The Center for Business Acceleration supports employers in providing Apprenticeships and Externships which includes both Academic education and On-the-Job Learning (OJL) components to persons as they seek careers.  This enables employers to rapidly grow a qualified workforce without the burden of developing, maintaining, and monitoring for compliance Apprenticeship and Externship programs.

The Center for Business Acceleration's Apprenticeship's follow the Department of Labor National Program Standard and the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Readiness & Employment Apprenticeship requirements.  In addition, our programs follow ANSI National Accreditation Board ASTM E2659-18 Certificate Program and ISO 17024 certification of personnel standards.  

By becoming an Apprenticeship or Externship Sponsor your organization you can help in a pathway to a career, increase productivity, reduce turnover, and gain highly skilled employees

Learn more on how to become a Sponsor
Fill all fields and receive email notifications when we respond to your inquiry.

Selection procedures for each occupation for which sponsor intends to train apprentices are the same. Each application will be reviewed and contacted if approved, denied or if more information is required. After your application is submitted, register as a sponsor and submit the necessary documents for review.